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Fabularis is an artificial intelligence controlled apparatus that makes customized, computer based intelligence made stories for youngsters matured 5 to 10 years. The device permits guardians to make extraordinary stories that reflect their kid's singularity, starting euphoria, miracle, and faith in their own true capacity. Clients can pick their kid's name, appearance, and situation, permitting the artificial intelligence to reproduce the kid's qualities and make them the hero of the story. Cuenta Cuentos únicos para tus hijos. Minuscule Stories is a customized story creation instrument for youngsters that permits guardians to make remarkable and tweaked stories for their children. The stage allows clients to portray the appearance, capacities, character, and setting of the hero, and pick various choices for representation style, portrayal, and discourse to make the story really fascinating and drawing in for their youngster. The instrument changes these contributions to a hand crafted story that is both engaging and instructive, assisting youngsters with fostering their creative mind, innovativeness, and significant abilities. Small Stories is an easy to understand stage that requires no mastery recorded as a hard copy or outline, and stories can be gotten to in various configurations, including web, PDF, and video.