
Pricing: Freemium

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SaveDay is a device that can assist you with rapidly saving, search, and sum up your number one substance. With SaveDay, you can save data from all over - whether it's on your telephone, tablet, or work area - in one helpful spot. This apparatus additionally permits you to save all that you see as web based, including pictures, recordings, notes, articles, documents, and the sky is the limit from there. SummarizeIt is a web-based device that utilizes artificial intelligence to sum up recordings in three straightforward advances: track down a video, send it to SummarizeIt, and get a synopsis. The device gathers central issues into a brief and effectively edible structure, making it simpler for clients to comprehend and hold data. SummarizeIt likewise offers adaptability, permitting clients to stop, rehash, or skip parts they don't have the foggiest idea or see as less significant. The device upholds YouTube recordings right now and produces a rundown relying upon the length and intricacy of the video. Clients can pursue a free record and get 30 credits to sum up to 30 recordings. Paid plans offer more credits each month for clients who need to sum up additional recordings.