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Onvy is a simulated intelligence controlled wellbeing mentor intended to assist people with accomplishing ideal wellbeing and execution through customized proposals in light of wearable gadget information. Clients can follow their everyday exercises and get direction on rest, wellness, and stress the executives. Onvy associates with 300+ Wellness trackers and change your wearable experience! Mindsera is a simulated intelligence fueled journaling instrument that highlights man-made brainpower produced fine art, attitude investigation, and programmed rundowns. It utilizes a coach model and structure formats that depend on verifiable figures. Its perfect plan, brilliant features, propensity following, and dull mode highlights make journaling simpler and more powerful. Mindsera likewise presents more than 50 mental model systems for various events, and a mentor chatbot that utilizes explicit structures and mental models to give customized input and guidance. The apparatus intends to work on mental abilities, emotional wellness, and wellness through organized thinking and self-reflection.