Clay 2.0

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Clay 2.0 is a cutting edge bookkeeping sheet. It's the simplest method for bringing in information from your SaaS apparatuses, DBs and APIs, like Thought, Google Examination, BigQuery, HubSpot and that's just the beginning. You can likewise investigate information with our OpenAI Reconciliation and computer based intelligence Wizard, and offer smooth reports and graphs as site pages or installs Dirt is an artificial intelligence device intended to scale imaginative outbound thoughts for item revelation by giving admittance to north of 50 information suppliers in a single spot. Clients can pay to utilize the information from these suppliers to adjust information with CRM frameworks, email shippers, and cascade improvement. Earth likewise offers admittance to 50+ information bases for exhaustive inclusion. With highlights like man-made intelligence web scratching, Ask Specialist search, and layouts, Mud assists clients with tracking down ideal leads from different sources on the web, enhance and sync CRM information in short order, and direct boundless examination involving ChatGPT for customized informing.