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Chattab is a strong man-made intelligence instrument that permits clients to effortlessly get to and use the capacities of the OpenAI chatGPT with a local Macintosh app.Chattab furnishes a quick and strong involvement in a more modest memory impression and quicker startup speed.The device includes a smooth Markdown experience and an extraordinary UI plan with various tabs for various message conversations.The Programming interface key permits clients to get to the most recent rendition of GPT-4 and different models, for example, GPT3.5, GPT3.5-16k, GPT4, GPT4-1106, GPT4-vision, GPT4-32k, and Claude2. The device likewise upholds numerous dialects and considers custom prompts to be created.Chattab is planned in light of protection and security, with information put away safely in Apple's keychain and prompts provoked through iCloud.The apparatus additionally offers a scope of elements to assist clients with dealing with their discussions and errands, including the capacity to make custom prompts and store discussion records locally.Overall, Chattab is a superb decision for organizations searching for a strong man-made intelligence instrument that can be effectively coordinated into their workflow.With its local Macintosh programming, smooth Markdown experience, and scope of valuing plans, Chattab offers all that organizations need to get everything rolling with GPT-4 and other OpenAI models.