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Autokt is a designer driven documentation motor intended to work on the most common way of composing documentation for developers.Autokt assists engineers with making documentation for code, as it naturally synchronizes and refreshes the documentation at whatever point code changes are made.The generative motor in Autokt considers the code setting and vault construction to produce exhaustive documentation files.It likewise has a criticism circle highlight that permits engineers to endorse and survey the refreshed documentation in a recognizable way utilizing a diff markdown viewer.Additionally, Autokt's collaborator learns and comprehends the code, making it simpler for engineers to oversee and refresh the documentation.Coming soon, Autokt will likewise offer semantic pursuit and setting mindful inquiries, permitting colleagues to effortlessly pose inquiries in regards to the codebase.Autokt upholds combination with GitHub for following code changes, yet it can likewise be utilized with other rendition control systems.It additionally gives a report proofreader that coordinates generative computer based intelligence, empowering clients to record code and compose connected documentation documents.